Monday, February 16, 2009
Ahhh - the Blogosphere. I have to say I don't often look or search for particular blogs - I just kinda happen onto them. That's why I love aggregators and readers so much - just throw the blog into the mix and if you find a catchy topic off you go.
I have used Technorati before, but as I said, I don't often search for blogs so it is not a site that I frequent often. It suffers in many ways from Yahoo!'s syndrome - a lot going on on that page - but I like that the 'happening' stuff is on the main page and that with a quick glance I can see what people are blogging about. This is in contrast with Google's blog search (which like their search rankings seems to rely on a popularity/frequency algorithm).
A search on the term earthquake produced vastly different results - Google pulling from USGS multiple blog listings - Technorati pulling from many different blog sources. What I do like about the Technorati results was the recommendation to search a specific blog channel and the fact that it offered links to video pulled from my search query.
Still will probably stumble upon my blogs of interest - I tend to find them as results of Internet searches in topics that I have an interest in. I don't see myself deliberately searching for blogs unless it is necessary - if I do search blogs I would probably use both tools - but I do like the options of Technorati better - it just feels better.
Labels: 23 Things, Blogging, google blog search, NEFLIN, technorati
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